Thursday, February 19, 2015

Name: Raiden Hirotome

Nickname: Rai

Vice: Pride

Virtue: Patience

Race: Lighting Elemental Demon.

Age: Unknown.

Occupation: Ronin

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Relationship: N/A

Weapons: A FelSteel wakizashi, and a FelSteel Katana. Hagoromo with metallic shavings in the heat resistant fabrics

Abilities: Able to manipulate the flow of electrons threw proximity and touch. He can fuse the electrical energy into his blades, enhancing their cutting ability, or direct a stream of energy in a chaotic path toward a opponent. Given enough time he can direct the electrical current in the ground beneath him and create a bolts of electricity resembling the natural occurrence of lightning strikes. He is able to utilize electrical currents to speed his own moments, even materialize and join the stream of electrons in the desired path, literally moving at the speed of lightning. Due to his affinity to the lightning element, Raiden has a high resistance to electrical or energy based attacks. Raiden is a master of Bushido, and the Samurai art.

Appearance: At first glance a elegantly beautiful man from his right side. He has dark hair with Amethyst highlights, which seems as soft as silk, glistening in the light. A pair of jagged black demon horns protrude from his head and out of his hair without wrecking the style. He has piercing Amethyst eyes, though his right eye is covered by his hair. From his waist up his side, across the left side of his chest, around the side of his neck and over his left eye his skin is black, with a electric rune over his heart. This really brings out the Amethyst in his left eye. Around his neck are sacred prayer beads. He wears a heavy silk purple kimono, with black traditional Geta on his feet. On his left side dons a FelSteel Katana, and a Felsteel Wakaizashi on his back. Hovering around his feet, traveling up and around his body, crossing his shoulders to loop around the back of his head, is his purple Hagoromo, levitating by electromagnetism.

Personality: Raiden used to be blood hungry killing any who cross his path. However once his demon skin was returned to him from mass Genocide he has mellowed greatly. He is cold, and calculating, He is very brutal when it serve him to be. He's incredibly intelligent, and will give warning no to get to close to avoid bloodshed. He is plight when it serves him, and is graceful in all his mannerisms. He does have a heart, and is able to care for others, but chooses a loners path. Raiden is quick to action if or whenever he's insulted and is easily insulted, being very prideful and honorable.

Special Attacks

Zen mode: In sword play Raiden is unmatched. However after constant sword clash with a worthy opponent Raiden goes into a form of Zen mode. His movements Become like water, precise and swift like a lightning strike. Raiden's sense open allowing him to hear the whistle of movement through the air, the vibrations in the ground. The electrical synapses of his opponents body. The world seems to slow down for Raiden, though his body as well is effected. His parry, block and dodge abilities become unmatched, as the world before him turns into a haven of Cherry blossoms and Sakura Trees. (Special battle conditions trigger this effect.))

Quick Draw: Raiden reaches over and grips his Katana with his right hand, Unsheathing, and performing a upward diagonal slash that can continue till the blade is pointed away from his right side, in the blink of an eye. A attack that is incredibly difficult to counter considering the speed involved. ((Requires 1 prep.))

Electrical infusion: Raiden infuses electrical energy into himself, or into his weapons. If infused into himself it increases his speed to such a degree he can move at the speed that electrons travel. If used on weapons it would then allow them to cut through any un-enchanted materials, and most enchanted materials like a hot knife through butter. (Effect lasts 1 turn per prep.)

Flash step: Raiden de-atomizes his body and becomes one with the flow of electrons, this effect causes a bright flash. Raiden then travels through the currents in a controlled direction to re-atomize his body in another flash of light, and attack. (Requires 1 prep per 10ft)

Blinding light: Using his Hagoromo, Raiden arcs many electrical strikes the flash of which would blind opponents without eye protection, (Last 1 turn per prep.)

Electromagnetic Barrier: Raiden creates a electromagnetic barrier that affects only magnetic materials. It can be used to deflect, repel, or attract the object to, or away from him. If the object has enough kinetic force behind it, it will effect his body as well. (Requires Static charge Hagoromo, last 1 turn per prep.)

Vacuum blade: Raiden swing his sword so quickly it creates a high speed forward moving cavitation in the air with the cutting ability of his FelSteel Katana with infused Lighting. (Requires 1 Prep as well as Electrical infusion on self)

Bolt: Raiden sends out a small bolt of electricity. The ark from his body to the opponent is near instant. It will leave a electrical burn upon point of contact, and cause the muscles to spasms. Effects may last 1 turn after.  (requires 1 prep)

Lightning strike: Raiden circulates the electrons in the earth to a single point causing a artificial lightning bold to strike the opponent. Damage is severe and half that of a true bolt of lightning. The lightning would cause sever 3rd degree burns, and may paralyze the opponent, if they survived. (Requires 2 preps.)

Storm: Raiden conjures a storm over head if not already there, which begins to spark with lightning. Raiden has little control of this natural occurrence and where the lightning would strike. However with enough energy built up Raiden can some what aim the electrical strikes. The storm creates a Area of effect with produces a lot of energy. (Requires 2 preps. Allows for 1.5 preps per turn or one free prep per 2 turns. Allows for Demonic Transformation.))

Synaptic derangement: Raiden sends a electrical current through the body which essentially creates a static in the brain. It screws up the opponents neural network debilitating them till they can figure out how to move their body, or the effect wears off. ex: Thinking about moving the left leg, causes you to wiggle your nose. (Requires 2 preps and physical touch, or form of direct contact with the victim)

Thunders furry: Raiden's Ultimate attack utilizing Quick Draw Electrical Infusion, and Flash step. Raiden seemingly teleports in front of his opponent, with a upward slash in the blink of an eye, then to his opponents back with another slash. Then, teleporting to either side with a slash and visa versa. Lastly Raiden would flash to in front of his opponent sending a springing heel kick the opponents jaw to send them in the air, where Raiden would hold up his sword underneath his opponent, generating a lightning bolt that would pierce his opponent, and cause them to land on the sword. (Requires Quick draw, Electrical Infusion preps, and 2 preps afterwards to use.)

Demonic Transformation: Raiden Temporally Shed his mortal form. Lightning crackles over head, and repeatedly Strikes Raiden. The lightning strikes tear away at his skin, and clothing. It char's his body to the point of giving him a Skeletal form. Soon the lightning turns to armor, as 2 blades attached to Raiden's arms, that spark with electricity. His knees invert like a animals, as his feet burn with a purple electrical energy. FelSteel spikes rip from his legs, and arms, as a set of bladed wings form upon his back. Lastly a elongated tail that moves of his command. This gives Raiden increased speed half of Electrical infusion, and increases his Electromagnetism to the point of being able to deflect metallic weapons. Raiden can also fly in this state. Raiden is able to generate enough energy for 4 Electrical strikes before his body returns to normal. Otherwise after time his body will return to normal. At the end of Raiden's transformation he isn't damaged but Exhausted as his body cannot handle such demonic power being mortal. He would be rendered nearly helpless as he would only be able to react with human speed, and temporally losing his electrical powers. ((Requires 5 Preps, Requires a storm, Lasts 5 turns or 4 Electrical attacks.))

Demon Powers, and Equipment.

Equipment: FelSteel Helmet, Cuirass, Gauntlets, and Greaves. 2 Electrically forged and fused Katanas which generate electricity to flow through the blade. 2 attached Felsteel Lightning blades to his Gauntlets. FelSteel

Special Attacks.

Back story:

Raiden once a proud General in a demonic Army. A demon born of lightning and energy. A ancient rite of passage a ritual to become born again. A ritual where a Demon is stripped of his or her powers, and physical body. Force to the mortal plane, into a infant body. Where they must grow as a human, and live as a Human. For Raiden, this was a curse. Stripped of his command, stripped of powers, and his own body stolen from him, he was forced into a small child's body, and Raised by a man. In Raidens favor his new father was a master of the Samurai art of Bushido. Once Raiden was old enough to pick up a Bokken his father would teach him.

Raiden retained memory of his demon hood. He hated what he had become, this frail bag of meat. Pain was a new concept for him, and always caused his tempers to flair. However his hands got used to sword play, and his body strengthened from pain and the damage he sustained while training. Raiden soon realized these mortals are more adaptable than he'd care to admit. Even in his Toddler mind he realized the mortal coil he held had limitless potential. Raiden was way above average in terms of intelligence, and skill for his age, which made his new father proud.

As the years flew by and Raiden grew, he as a teenager defeated other Samurai just under his father, but could not yet defeat his father. His father moved with grace like a liquid, his strikes precise and controlled, and swift like lightning. Most humans couldn't see his moments, but Raiden could as he retained his soul. From here Raiden received special training from his father, Quickly mastering the Art of Bushido. The day finally came where Raiden would pick up his Bokken for the last time.

A final face off between his father and himself. A challenge of control, to earn the Title master. By now Raiden has grown tremendously in admiration for the mortal world, but his world would yet be turned upside down. Raiden and his father clashed Bokken, the sounds like thunder. Their moments a blur, swift as lightning strikes. A even battle of 2 Bushido masters, a sight to be seen. Leaving the Arena floor they fought back and forth through the village. Their attacks increased as with each thunderous clash, a blast of air would spread out from them like a shock wave. Raiden's heart raced, he was exhilarated. Having no love for his father growing up, he knew now the power a mortal could have. Through this fight he found love. The love a son has for a father. Raiden no longer hated mortals, no longer saw his exile to this body as a curse. He was free. The world before him fell into a haven of Sakura trees, and Cherry blossoms. A playground only he and his father were in. The world was non existent as he and his father, clashed their mighty swords. A ripple broke his zen. The world came crashing back to him, as the sound of his Fathers Bokken breaking hit his ears. Unable to realize what was happening quick enough, Raiden's last swing ripped through his fathers Bokken, slamming into his neck, and shattering his vertebra. Raiden's eyes grew wide, as his father fell, as he dropped his Bokken to hold his father. For the first time Raiden told his father he loved him just before he'd close his eyes for the last time.

The death of his father caused Raiden a new kind of pain, a pain more fierce than anything physical he's ever dealt with. Raiden took his fathers Felsteel Katana's, that were given by one of the Demonic lords of the lands. Raiden left and traveled the lands as a Ronin. Raiden felt a new hatred, that boiled in his blood. Humans were frail, capable of great things, but their life was snuffed to short and their bodys to weak. Raiden hated life, and became a outlaw as he created a Mass Genocide over many years. Men, women, and children that even so much as looked his way, He'd slaughter without a second thought. His murders were swift and clean from his mastery of Bushido. The lords sent many after Raiden, but all came back in pieces. He soon became feared as even the feral demons of the land fell to his sword. The more blood he split the more powerful Raiden became.

After killing thousands of mortals and thousands of low - medium class Demons, Raiden grew to his full power once again. His skin blackened on one side of his body. New smaller set of horns protruded his head, and his eyes became Amethyst. Raiden's body began to create a electromagnetic field and he had created his Hagoromo using silk stolen from a fire rats fur. Dying the fur royal purple and creating the Hagoromo through weaving the fabric into shavings of Felsteel as Raiden further sharpened his Fathers Katanas. From his Electromagnetic field, his Hagoromo began to levitate, and act as a battery of sorts. Allowing Raiden to Store energy to use later rather than having to waist his stamina to generate this energy.

As Raiden returned to his power, his hatred faded. He stopped killing those who looked at him, and only killed when others Dishonored him. He however was very arrogant, he rather than walking around, would tell the other person to move, less he takes their life. Those knowing his face, and his reputation did exactly as he said. Then one day Raiden felt a huge erosion and collection of magical energies upon a mountain he claimed as his, though only traveled ever so often. He makes his way to investigate.

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